Project Abraham report on refugee challenges


Yesterday, December 5/17, Debbie Rose (Manager, Project Abraham), Gary Rose (Director of Communication, Project Abraham), Nadre Atto, and Aveen Ismail, met before the Standing Committee of Immigration and Citizenship to provide our experience and recommendations on the current GOC initiative to bring the most vulnerable of the Yezidis to Canada.

The following is a link to the meeting, with links to our report and remarks to the committee.

Testimony before the Committee on Immigration and Citizenship
Brief submitted to the Committee on Immigration and Citizenship
Remarks to the Committee on Immigration and Citizenship (Debbie Rose)
Remarks to the Committee on Immigration and Citizenship (Gary Rose)

Nov- 8/17

MPs on the immigration committee are currently being briefed on the results of the GOC's commitment to bring #Yezidi and other minority survivors to Canada (Nov 7/17).

#ProjectAbraham provided the committee with a report based on our experience and observations, many of which coincide with the points brought forth in this CBC report. Unfortunately, while bringing the Yezidi victims of ISIS to Canada should be applauded, the GOC has not fully addressed the needs of the victims once they arrived. There are many glaring deficiencies and issues, both immediate and longer-term.

Project Abraham has stepped in to address some of these issues, but without more attention, support, and guidance from the government, these traumatized victims will face a long and hard road that will prolong their recovery and integration.

We at Project Abraham are doing what we can with the limited resources and volunteers that we have, but we also respectfully ask the government to fully meet its commitment. These women and children have suffered enough.

Click on the following link to see the report

Report submitted to the immigration committee
