What Sets Us Apart


In 2015, The Mozuud Freedom Foundation initiated Project Abraham to help bring Yezidis to Canada. Project Abraham began when Mirza Ismail, Founder of Yezidi Human Rights International, approached Geoffrey Clarfield who was the Executive Director of Mozuud, working under Mozuud's founder, Irving Weisdorf. Mirza was desperately looking for help sponsoring Yezidis under the government Family Reunification Program (FRP).

Project Abraham is now an independent NGO, with teams of teachers, support workers, and volunteers helping the most vulnerable refugees in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) rebuild their lives.



Project Abraham works closely with settlement agencies in the GTA to support the most traumatized refugees.

Most of these refugees are survivors of genocide and suffer from extreme trauma. Many are non-literate. They have lost husbands and children, witnessed massacres, and escaped sexual trafficking. Their physical and mental suffering is ongoing and debilitating.


With the help of our volunteers and donors, Project Abraham is successfully helping the most vulnerable and traumatized refugees to adjust to living in Canada and to find their own path to recovery.

It takes hard work to recover from complete devastation. We do all we can to encourage and empower, support and educate, and provide the skills and tools necessary to rebuild lives.




While there are many other organizations supporting refugees, there are very few supporting the most traumatized and non-literate who fall through the cracks.

We need your support, as a volunteer or financial donor. All financial donations, no matter how small, receive a charitable tax receipt. Your help goes a long way towards rebuilding the lives of these survivors.

We are counting on you for your support.  Please give generously to Project Abraham.

